21 May 2012

The Average Person.

In todays world every person wants to be a perfect one. But in this " Rat Race" or just being a stupid "Got" just ask your self once that did i am doing the right thing ???
should i do this thing???
but for such questions we don't pay attention and honesty we don't spare time. If we spare that some one else grab your peace of so called "cheez"  ....
why i say the word "cheez" because the winner of the " Rat Race" runs fast but at the end the prize is fix and so as the quantity.  so , learn from your heart and use it from your mind. learn from every one and do your best but you should not sit ideal from just what you get. Don't be so specific in one single field. Rise your standards not for some one but for your self. May be i am not perfect in my work but i know the whole working system of the company so in future it will  definitely help me to grab a big opportunity.